Selasa, 03 Juli 2012

Long Term Investation

Investasi Long-term investments where the fund is that you enter will be screened and will be disbursed after a period of at least 1 year. There are many forms of long-term investment. Here are some examples include:
Property is one of the long-term investment is very profitable. Property prices will continue to crawl up from year to year. For those of you who have substantial funds, these investments should be an option.
There are many options for companies to establish long-term investments. There are companies who choose to invest in land or buildings (not for the operation of the company) is called with property investment. There also are choosing an investment in savings or time deposits, or other investment options, namely the purchase of stocks or bonds.
Basically all investment options contain profit opportunities on the one hand and the potential loss or risk on the other side. Such as savings or time deposits in banks, in general, interest income can be fixed with a small risk, but may occur at any time the bank liquidation may result in loss of investment. Was to invest in property (houses and buildings) promises a relatively high profits, but also at risk of eviction or a fire.
Long-term investments can be made firm in the form of bonds or stock. When compared, the two forms of investment has advantages and disadvantages. Long-term investments in bonds to give a definite assurance of the acceptance rate for a certain period. If the interest rate on the market declined, interest rates have not changed since the interest rate has been set
in the initial agreement. On the other hand, long-term investment in stocks will provide higher income than interest rates, if the company gets high returns and vice versa. In addition, investments in stocks are also given voting rights as owners of the means helped determine corporate policy. In the following description will explain the accounting for long-term investments in bonds and stocks.